Kostetskyi Yury

Kostetskyi Yury

Date of birth: .... year.
He has been working at the department since 2018

Year: 1992. Degree: Candidate. Major: Technical Sciences. 05.16.02 - Metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and special alloys City: Donetsk. Institution: Donetsk Polytechnic Institute
Year: 2018. Degree: Doctor. Major: Technical Sciences. 05.16.02 - Metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and special alloys City: Dnipro. Institution: National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnipro)

Working room: 111-9
Mailbox: y.kostetsky@gmail.com

Scientist identifiers:

Personal page
Orchid ID:
Web of Science Researcher ID:
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Training courses:

Direction of scientific research:

  • physico-chemical and technological bases of the processes of smelting and refining metal melts from impurities and non-metallic inclusions;
  • Physical and metallurgical problems of electroslag technologies