Barabash Maksym

Barabash Maksym

Date of birth: 25.03.1977
Has been working at the department since 2023

2000 – graduated from the Physical Engineering Faculty of The National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". Received a full higher education in the specialty "Composite and powder materials, coatings" with the qualification of "Masters Degree".
2006 – Defended The Candidate's of Technical Science PhD "Peculiarities of phase and structure formation, way of increase functional properties detonation coverings on a basis NiAl and eutectic (b-NiAl+g-Re)"
2010 – Awarded the Academic title of Senior Research Associate in the specialty "Materials Science".
2020 – Defended Doctoral of Technical Science "Science development for the formation of functional nanomaterials using templates".
Since 2023, he has been working as a professor of the Foundry Production Department.


Responsible for relations with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Office: 414-9

Identifiers of the researcher:

Orcid ID: 0000-0001-5054-5031
Web of Science Researcher ID: JOK-2828-2023
Scopus Author ID: 58706649900
Google Scholar:


"Structure and properties of materials"

Research area:

Aluminum alloys, phase equilibria, physical materials science, magnetism