Rector’s control of first-year undergraduate students

Attendance is REQUIRED

According to the order № RP / 194/2021 from 27.09.2021, the rector’s quality control of residual school knowledge of first-year students of the group FL-11 IMZ them. EO Paton will take place tomorrow.

How? – remotely
When? – 01.10.2021 on the fifth pair at 16:15 (tomorrow)
Where? – at the link

Instructions for its passage have been sent to you personally.

If you have any questions – please contact (responsible for the rector’s control of students of the Department of LV – Rostislav Lutyi, curator of the group FL-11 – Ivan Lukyanenko

The career guidance marathon is dedicated to the Day of the Machine Builder !!!

The marathon of career guidance continues.
Students of Kyiv Mechanical and Technological College visited us today. The event is dedicated to the Day of the Machine Builder !!!

We will also meet as part of the EA Paton Institute of Materials Science and Welding Online, but we look forward to live meetings and master classes to confidently answer the questions:
Why choose 136 METALLURGY in KPI

#КПІ #ЛВ #136_МЕТАЛУРГІЯ #ливарне_виробництво #профорієнтація #освіта

The career guidance marathon has started.

We were the first to visit students of the Kherson region

Our favorite career guidance has been replenished with a new format!
We will also meet as part of the EA Paton Institute of Materials Science and Welding Online, but we look forward to live meetings and master classes to confidently answer the questions:
Why choose 136 METALLURGY in KPI
#КПІ #ЛВ #136_МЕТАЛУРГІЯ #ливарне_виробництво #профорієнтація #освіта

KPIFirstYearMarathon “in KPI. Igor Sikorsky

Dear first-year students!

During September 2021 in KPI. Igor Sikorsky will host a set of events for first-year students “KPIFirstYearMarathon”. The following activities are planned during KPIFirstYearMarathon:
– 16.09.2021 general university meeting of KPItalks;
– 05.10.2021 general university meeting with structural subdivisions of the university.

You can read more about KPIFirstYearMarathon here!