Week of school holidays with KPI. Igor Sikorsky

Week of school holidays with KPI. Igor Sikorsky

1️⃣ KPIAbitFest at IMZ them. Є.О. Paton

October 28, 2021
12:00 Institute of Materials Science and Welding. Є.О. Paton
Join the Zoom conference

Conference ID: 846 2913 7197

🔸 Representatives of the Institute of Materials Science and Welding. Є.О. Paton will hold an online meeting where you can:
• learn in detail about the possibilities of the institute, ask about the specialty and educational programs;
• ask questions that interest you!

📢 Entrant on the site | facebook | instagram | telegram
💭 With questions here: foundrykpi

2️⃣ Engineering week “KRISchool”

🔸 Teachers of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky and leading companies will open the curtain of the unknown in two stages:
• online webinars (daily at 12:00 in Zoom)
• offline master classes (daily at 16:00). All visits will be carried out in compliance with quarantine requirements
📋 Telegram channel for discussion and program of the event
📝 Registration (link will be sent to the mail specified during registration)

3️⃣ Week of seminars for teachers of KPI partner schools named after Igor Sikorsky
📋 Seminars are held on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of KPI. Igor Sikorsky according to the program.
📝 Registration (links will be sent to E-mail)

🎥 YouTube playlist
❤️ We are waiting for you!