Extended scientific seminar of the department based on the materials of the dissertation

November 11, 2021, Thursday, at 15:00 in room 203-9 and in GOOGLE MEET
an extended scientific seminar of the department of foundry production will take place


Report of the associate professor of the department of foundry production KPI. Igor Sikorsky Ph.D. Lutiy Rostislav Vladimirovich on the materials of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the scientific specialty 05.16.04 “Foundry” on “Theoretical and technological foundations of environmental binders for foundry production.”

Scientific consultant: Ph.D. Professor Oleh Yosypovych Shynsky, Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Foundry Processes of the Physical and Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Foundrymen’s Association of Ukraine.

IMZ employees are invited. Ye. O. Paton and all comers.